Exclusive item! if you Love Silver Plated SPIDERS or Just JEWELRY - Here is an Awesome SPIDER WEB with SPIDER Pendant that also has BLACK Simulated Crystal. Pendant Contains a BLACK Simulated Crystal as the SPIDER'S BODY. BLACK is said to: Be Excellant for Grounding Negativity & Releasing Stress. Black crystal can be worn for Protection to Banish Grief & to Encourage Happiness & Good Fortune. Simulated Black Crystal dressed all over the web.
Material Used : Silver plated Good chain & Spider web with fully Embedded Simulated Black Crystal with flashy eyes high quality of pendant
Necklace Length : 24 inches with no extension
Pendant : Korean quality & measured 2 inches diameter & Spider inside web measured 3/4 to 1 inch long
Guarantee : 100% satisfaction for material & workmanship used in making this Jewelry